Unique Form Factors
Catch the attention of a passer-by with an unexpected shape
Accessible Information
Keep traffic flow moving by making information easy to find and understand
Touch Screen
Large format, High-Bright, and Touch screens offer simple self service options for customers on the go.
Digital Menu Boards
Update you menu or feature new items and keep them coming back for more.
With limited time to make the sale, c-stores increasingly rely on in-store digital displays to encourage customers to purchase more than fuel. NACS (National Association of Convenience Stores) Speed Metrics survey indicates that consumers want a quick and easy shopping experience. The survey found that the average time it takes for a customer to leave a car and enter a c-store and return to the car with a purchase was 3 minutes and 33 seconds. Total convenience industry sales in 2023 were $859.8 billion, of which $327.6 were from in-store sales.
Find your Perfect Bluefin Screens!
Bluefin offers screens with built-in media players in a wide range of sizes, readily available!
Custom-Fit Solutions for You
When you need something that will fit your specific design. Bluefin screens can be made to order to the millimeter.