Bluefin Displays Streamline Exhibit Updates at the Georgia Aquarium
The Georgia Aquarium faced challenges updating static signage for exhibits. To improve efficiency and reduce costs, they implemented digital signage using Bluefin screens. The screens offer features like Power over Ethernet and embedded SoC, simplifying installation and maintenance. This transition to digital signage not only streamlined operations but also enhanced the visitor experience by providing more dynamic and informative content.
Another advantage they found in Bluefin Screens was the optional Power over Ethernet. This proved essential as pulling cable was not only very costly but also nearly impossible in some areas. Swartzlander explained, “there is a big cost difference between 120V power cable and network cable. You can spend as much on cabling as everything else in the project. PoE saves a lot of money and a lot of time.”
In the past they purchased custom screens directly from factories but it was labor intensive and no back up. “We were ordering custom screens directly but the logistics and support wasn’t there. When we found someone local we realized we don’t need to do all the labor and Bluefin is a strong company that can support us.” Said Patten.