Made-to-order screens from a range of size, housing and media player options

Modify any popular Bluefin Core Screen with our interchangeable designs. These tailored offerings allow you to build your own solution on a quick timeline.
Simply select your size, housing and operating system and we can get building!

Click to scroll to a section

Choose Your Size

10.1” - 1280x800
11.6” - 1920x1080
13.3” - 1920x1080
15.6” - 1920x1080
17.3” - 1920x1080
21.5” - 1920x1080
23.8” - 1920x1080
27.0” - 1920x1080
32.0” - 1920x1080
43.0” - 3840x2160
49.0” - 1920x1080
55.0” - 3840x2160

20.9” - 1920x360
21.9” - 1920x720
28.0” - 1920x360
29.0” - 1920x540
34.6” - 1920x132
35.4” - 1920x438
36.6” - 1920x290
37.0” - 1920x540
47.1” - 3840x160
48.5” - 3840x720
49.1” - 3840x960

Bluefin tailored screens available in all sizes

Choose Your Housing

Bluefin finished housing for screens
Front view of Bluefin finished housing for screens
Back view of Bluefin finished housing for screens
Side view of Bluefin finished housing for screens

Finished Housings

  • All-Metal Housings

  • Black painted finish

  • Micro-SD card security cover

  • VESA mounting patterns

Bluefin countertop housing designed for screens
Front view of Bluefin countertop housing for screens
Back view of Bluefin countertop housing for screens
Side view of Bluefin countertop housing for screens

Countertop Housings

  • All-Metal Housings

  • Black painted finish

  • Plug and play, easy to install

  • Removable rubber feet, secure mounting

Bluefin frameless housing for screens
Front view of Bluefin frameless housing for screens,
Back view of Bluefin frameless housing for screens,
Side view of Bluefin frameless housing for screens,

Frameless Housings

  • All-Metal Housings

  • Front-facing mounting point flanges

  • Lower cost solution

  • VESA mounting patterns


Bluefin’s flexible solution for screens with or without an integrated player, including HDMI and touchscreen override.

BrightSign Built-In logo

Create presentations and manage your fleet with BSN.Cloud and the BrightSign partner ecosystem.


Powerful digital signage with Windows, Linux, or Chrome-OS on an Intel-based system.

R Series

Support apps in Android 11 Open Source Project on an affordable embedded system.

V Series

HDMI input and 1080p video decoding from a simple looping ad player.

Daisy Chain

Connect multiple shelf-edge screens to one player

Not Seeing What You Need?

Take advantage of full-scale OEM / ODM, custom ultrawide LCD cuts, and custom housings built for your project.